Most A/C compressors lubricate themselves with the freon that flows through the A/C system. In order to use these compressors for pumping air, you need to have an external oiler feeding air into the intake hose and a filter to…
York Air Compressor Tank
You really should have a tank for any good onboard air setup. This ensures that you still have air if your engine dies, and it lets you run things like air tools that suck more volume than your compressor can…
Hand-Operated Throttle Control Lever
Once you’ve filled your engine compartment with all kinds of pulley-powered goodies (like a York air compressor or a Premier Power Welder), you’ll find yourself wanting to adjust the speed at which the engine turns without having to sit with…
Aftermarket YJ Cruise Control Installation
During the first two years I owned my ’95 YJ, I put on nearly 5000 highway miles. That’s not much for a normal family car, but keep in mind that a YJ is a purpose-built vehicle, and that purpose is…
On-Board Air Compressor Tips
This is a collection of useful comments that people on the various Jeep newsgroups and mailing lists have made about converting York (or similar) air conditioning compressors for use as on-board air compressors. From: (Jerry Fields) Date: 19 Dec…
How to Avoid ARB Compressors
From: (Jim Bailey) Subject: Onboard Air and ARBs Date: 24 Jul 97 05:29:58 GMT Sender: Obi-Wan wrote: All this talk recently of onboard air has got me wondering. I know you can use an ARB’s compressor to fill…