Friday, 9 April That night after work & dinner, I started tearing into it. I put the Jeep up on jack stands first. The six 17″ stands I borrowed were too short to get the tires off the ground, so…

Custom Rear YJ Bumper with Tow Hooks
I wanted rear tow hooks for my YJ, but couldn’t figure out where in the world to attach them. I asked the Jeep-L mailing list, and Dave Moulton came to the rescue with a custom rear bumper design, complete with…
Premier Power Welder
Once I started making custom upgrades to my Jeep, it quickly became apparent that either I’d spend many paychecks paying professional welders to do my work for me, or I needed to learn how to weld myself. I opted for…
Rubicon Express Full-Length Add-A-Leaf
My ’95 YJ had the problem that whenever I load it up with all my wheeling/camping gear, the rear springs developed a pretty nasty negative arch. This was livable on the road, but sucked for wheeling. I finally decided I…
Redirecting Floor Heater Vents to Point Upward
One of my complaints about the ’87-’95 YJ is that there are no chest-level vents for the climate control system, just floor and defroster vents. This has been remedied on the TJ, but I suspect the CJ’s suffer from the…
CB Radios in a Jeep Wrangler
“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter” When you’re out in the middle of nowhere and get stuck, broken, or hurt, yelling for help isn’t very effective. The 2-5 mile range of a CB radio is what…
York On-Board Air – Shopping List
The actual list of supplies required will vary from one rig to another, but this is what I used and what it cost me. Much of the stuff came from the Surplus Center, a national mail-order place specializing in hydraulics,…
YJ Hood Lock
One nice feature of CJ/YJ/TJs is that you can easily pop open the hood without having to get into the vehicle. Nice, that is, until you start dropping lots of goodies like dual Optimas, on-board air, and a Premier Power…
York On-Board Air – Air Fittings and Electric Connections
I chose to mount the hose connectors and stuff on the inside of my front right wheel well near the factory jack. That location provides easy access and also keeps everything above the water line should I decide to ford…
York Air Compressor Lubrication
All A/C compressors need to be lubricated in some way, whether they’re pumping freon or air. Most compressors are lubricated by the liquid freon that they pump. The York, on the other hand, has a separate oil reservoir that it…